Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So About That...or This

Dear 19 Long Suffering, Irrefutably Loyal Readers:

PBD is gone, no more. We're tired. Tired of blogging, mostly, and so the remedy is clear: it's time to sign off. Yes, yes, it would be been a luxurious trip through the memory banks to detail the turning points of Obama's primary and general election campaigns, but when the list of highlights hit 30ish, my desire to catalog an already arduous cycle waned.

Regardless, this isn't a impulsive decision, but rather one I've wrestled with for months. Not only had I lost a real desire to continue blogging on political matters, I couldn't envision this particular blog except as a chronicle of campaigns large and small, far and near. Unlike Detroit and the Tiny 2, I know when my gig's up.

And yet what better time to let this old dog lie? Our preferred candidate won the presidency, the Congress is becoming more blue (and especially blue dog*), and we've found other distractions to pursue. Hell, I might even write for the sake of its pleasure, not for publication, and not to drill, baby, drill some hackneyed point across. That's another thing I'm tired of - talking points. Enough with them.

Isn't November NaNo month? Ah, like the Cubs, maybe next year.

Customarily, this is where thanks are written, little lovely notes to friends and supporters. Why differ and more importantly, I think you deserve better:

Thanks first to everyone who ever stopped by, stuck the feed in your reader, read a post, clicked around a bit, or left a comment. PBD was never a traffic beast, it wasn't intended as such, but a host of dedicated readers made blogging more worthwhile.

Thanks to Tim**, whose long ago link provided entree into Ohio blogdom. Ohio political blogging was crowding with serfs then, and Tim's link let PBD inside the compound. Without that boost, we might have shuttered a long time ago.

To Pho for friendship that began here and extended offline, where it will continue.

To others for much the same, although distance and time prevent more direct interaction: EV, Jill, George, De Mango, Tim F, Gloria, Foss, Jeff, YDS, Sloat, Blue Bex [read Tupper!], Ryan, and a host of others.

[Random interlude: WTF, there's shaolin or something on ESPN; dog must sat on the remote and flipped to the ocho.]

Thanks to Mr. B for the showing the way in place specific blogging and for the Song of Tim Ryan, which will forever remain the single greatest creative use of C-SPAN audio.

To Kyle for a list of things too numerous to detail here; let it be said Kyle is a generous and gifted man.

Akronites on the right: Ben and TBMD. Another righty: Daniel Jack.

And no, I don't know who the Professor is so you may stop asking.

To my favorite FI: danke.

Profound gratitude for my brothers, whom I love dearly, though I sometimes disagree with you individually. Mostly, though, the last several years have been a boon, a raft of memories. Other times you make me want to throw things. Hard. At your head. I suppose this is as expected among talented and headstrong men. Still, love!

Last call, a Son Volt tune to highlight a pair of lyrical snippets:

Catching an all-night station
Somewhere in Lousiana
Sounds like 1963
But for now, sounds like heaven


Trail spent with fear
And not enough,
Living on the outside

Live on the outside.

* We know this pisses most of you off immeasurably, though it makes us beam for two reasons: 1) at least two of us are blue dogs and the others flirt, and 2) we predicted an expanded Dem majority in Congress would be won by guys like Zack Space and Heath Shuler. You're welcome for our prescience, but we're not debating this point anymore - it just is.

** No links tonight, crew. As I said, I'm tired.


Ben said...

Thanks for providing a nice read. Though we are of mostly opposite politcal views, I enjoyed stopping by.

Good Luck.....

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to see you go, but I'm glad I got to read you for nearly two years (when I went Googling for Akron blogs after accepting the KSU offer). I completely understand, though, and have considered the same thing myself. If you ever feel the impulse to write a guest post, send it my way.

Let's hook up when the semester is over...

Unknown said...

I hope to see ya'll in person some day. Really enjoyed your work and your intellect. Enjoy life and writing.

Bill Sloat

Unknown said...

I will miss reading your stuff, it was always a good read. made me think of the good old days (yikes, are we that old to have good old days?). Good Luck with the next endeavor, I hope to find that one too.

Jason Haas said...

Ben - to a word, ditto.

DP - ironically I was just thinking last night about emailing you soon and requesting a night out during your break. We'll do that; and when the spirit moves, I'll fire an email to you.

Bill - I hope to meet you too; as for writing, honing my skills in your style would go far toward my enjoyment of the craft.

Mas - thanks, and yes, we are that old. My oldest starts high school next year...

Unknown said...

Jeez. It's starting to feel like the end of a golden age for Ohio blogging !

Sounds like you went through the same exhausting process as I did - fully understand your decision, and appreciate the years ya put in !

Maybe we'll have a golden oldie blogging reunion 10 years from now !

Jill said...

You know how I feel. I will miss you very much but enjoy whatever comes next. You did a great job.

Village Green said...

Damn. I'll think of you every time I spin Muswell Hillbillies. Best wishes from a fan.

Jeff said...

Happy trails, Redhorse! Love your writing style and wit - PBD was consistently a glowing highlight of the 'sphere.

It gives me some comfort to know that blogging was only the tip of the iceberg of your contributions and your potential.


Madrigal Maniac said...

I can relate to being tired. I had only blogged for about a year when I stopped. A year and a half later I'm back to blogging again. So it will be interesting to see if your retirement is like Brett Favre, or like Jim Brown. Either way, I've enjoyed reading your posts, good luck.

DorothyFuldheim said...

godspeed. make sure you come back soon.

bryan said...

Best of luck as you move on down the road.

Kyle said...

I am sorry to read this post, but I understand the reasoning. This has been one of my favorites and I'm sorry to see it go. The good news is that I suspect there will be other opportunities to work with the Psychobilly Democrats in my future and I look forward to it.

Scott Piepho said...


I'm way late on the uptake. Thanks for all the great work, the multiple shoutouts and your friendship on and offline. I too will drop you a line when the semester ends.

P.S. My word verification is "tedbob." How perfect is that?

Scott Piepho said...
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scott bakalar said...

Mr. RH,

Man, I'm way late to the party. Just goes to show you the level of my own involvement with stuff recently.

PBD was a major player in the "golden age" of the Ohio Blogosphere.
Amongst the pages here, I found inspiration, many many laughs, a great collaborator and friendship.

Thank you sir for leading the way and for your commitment to what is right and good about us human beings.

My absolute best to you in whatever may come next.

Anthony Fossaceca said...

Red, when are you coming back? Just curious. I've been waiting and waiting, but nothing.

You know you can't stay away. Think Britney or Madonna. We'll get you in the gym for a few weeks, keep you away from the press, plant some stories about you and A-Rod, and soon you'll be the "it" blogger again - livin' the dream.

Seriously, I'm honored to have been one of the 19 dear readers of PBD. While you are a NASCAR fan, and I'm still hanging on to IndyCar, your Carhartt-style of writing kept me coming back. This truly was one of my "must reads." You will be missed.

Jason Haas said...

Aw, hell. Just when I hang it up, Lord Blackwell returns and throws his hat in the RNC chair wingnut-off. Endlessly epic comedy.

Thanks all again for your comments and thoughts.

Tim Ferris said...

Hey. I'm slow catching up. Gloria's been in the hospital at Metro since Nov 17th and is just now recovering. I want to keep you in our circle, and I want to acknowledge your hard work, your selflessness and bravery in the early days of MeetTheBloggers. I see both you and Peter Boyd are taking breathers, and I can empathize. You've helped start something good, and growing.

Anonymous said...

Even later to the party... What the hell Red?!

You're the best damn blogger/writer there is - here, there, or anywhere - and quite likely the only one who could keep me from going off the deep end into kitsch.

Of course, if we can't convince you to return, we still wish you well in your state of freedom...

David said...

I seem to have lost your email address. Could you drop me a line?



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